Needs & Wants
What I need right now is a getaway, lots of silence and serenity. I want someone to listen to, but I need someone who would listen, too.I want cupcakes with buttercream frosting and pillows with cold surfaces. I need sureties and impudence not uncertainties or ambiguities.
I want to be emotionally independent not dependent. I need to let go of things holding me back, but not the memories. I want to retain and preserve the memories.
I need to learn what it's like to be grown-up and enter the real world and accept it. But I want to be accepted, too. I want to know what it feels like, something true and genuine. But I need to find something true & genuine to feel first.
I want to execute my visions and dreams someday, but I need to cross the bridge to get there first.
I need to understand what is right and what is wrong for me, but I want to understand what is best for me.
We all have needs, we all have wants. But there is a thin, fine line in between separating them.
Needs & wants.
But you know what? There's one thing common - I Need AND Want to be happy..